The slasher films. This subgenre of horror movies is characterized by the presence of a psychopath who brutally assassinates adolescents and young people. Also, often the victims are involved in teen sex and drug use. In the 80s, the slasher films had their golden age. The movie that started all was Halloween in 1978, directed by John Carpenter. After that, a lot of movies of the same style were released, like Friday the 13th (1980), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) and Child's Play (1988).
As the main characters of this type of film are very similar, I prefer to talk about the genre itself. This genre has been criticized for being often sexist and even influencing femicide, since most of the victims are women and put them as simply sexual objects. For my part, I enjoy the slashers a lot, but I know that many things about them are wrong. But I'm also sure that this type of film can be made more consciously and without sexism, without losing it's style. That could be one of my goals after graduating from Cinematography.
This video explains very well what I said previously:
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