Where do the ducks go?
The book was The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger and it was about a 16-year-old student named Holden Caulfield who had failed a grade in his school and had been expelled, as in the other schools. This book takes place in New York at the end of the 40s and it is about the experiences that this young man lives during the 3 days he is expelled from his school and arrives at his parents' house.
Salinger wrote this story as if it were being told by a teenager, suddenly moving from one subject to another and using jovial expressions, which makes it a very easy and entertaining book to read.
I identified a lot with him and with his way of seeing things, and not only with his virtues, but also with his defects and hypocrisies. I saw in him that way we all had as teenagers to suffer from problems that are not so important, in addition to identifying a lot with his type of humor and his experiences.
I strongly recommend this book because besides being very funny it makes you analyze the way you live your life. I've read it like 6 times in Spanish, and last month a friend lent me her English version, so I finally read it in its original language.
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